Welcome to

miss Walker's class

My name is Miss Madison Walker.This is my ​second year teaching Kindergarten the ​Clifford School. I get to spend my day ​teaching with Mrs. Taylor! I also pull ​friends to another classroom for more ​small group instruction. I live in ​Gloucester Township with my family and ​Golden Retriever, Chance! In 2023, I ​graduated from Rowan University with a ​Bachelor's Degree in Inclusive Education. ​I love teaching Kindergarten because the ​children make so much progress as the ​year goes on!

Hi There

2024-2025 Supply List

1 pair Fiskar Scissors

8 Elmer Glue Sticks (large)

2 packs Crayola fine tip markers classic colors

2 packs Crayola wide tip markers, classic colors

4 boxes 24 count Crayola crayons

16 Expo markers, low odor, fine tip, black

2 - 4 pack Play Doh, assorted colors

2 bottles of hand sanitizer

1 pack - highlighters

4 count 1 pack index card

1 pack Post-its

1 box of tissues

1 pack of baby wipes

1 over the ear headphone

Crayon Box Illustration
Glue Illustration
School Pencil Doodle

MCS ​Calendar

MCS ​Calendar

District ​Calendar

District ​Calendar

Group of Children in the International Kindergarten

“Every student ​can learn, just ​not on the same ​day, or the same ​way.”

— George Evans

“Every student ​can learn, just ​not on the same ​day, or the same ​way.”

— George Evans

Miss Madison Walker

Miss Madison Walker

Kindergarten Special Education ​Teacher